彭勃介绍称,“On the vast and boundless land of Northeast China, when the gentle breeze blows by the unique sound seems as if the rice are whispering softly, telling the joy of growth. They are welcoming every ray of sunshine and every wisp of breeze(在广袤无垠的东北土地上,微风拂过,独特的声响仿佛是水稻们在轻声细语爱体育app官网登录入口,诉说成长的喜悦,欢迎着每一缕阳光和每一缕微风)……”
彭勃介绍称,“On the vast and boundless land of Northeast China, when the gentle breeze blows by the unique sound seems as if the rice are whispering softly, telling the joy of growth. They are welcoming every ray of sunshine and every wisp of breeze(在广袤无垠的东北土地上爱体育app官网登录入口,微风拂过,独特的声响仿佛是水稻们在轻声细语,诉说成长的喜悦,欢迎着每一缕阳光和每一缕微风)……”