The EU’s decision to impose definitive countervailing duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) for a period of five years has sparked strong opposition. During an interview with China News Network, Michael Schumann, chairman of the Board of the German Federal Association
for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, stressed that the EU needs to find a fair and right balance on trade with China, not to weaponize and politicize bilateral economic relations.
In addition, Schumann pointed out that both Europe and China can benefit from open markets. China has taken very reasonable measures to protect its own market and its own industry while benefiting from foreign products, investment and technology. Therefore, the EU could also learn from China's example. (Chen Tianhao)
中新网11月6日电 国务院办公厅日前印发《关于以冰雪运动高质量发展激发冰雪经济活力的若干意见》。其中提出,加大金融支持力度。鼓励金融机构在依法合规、风险可控前提下,创新金融产品,加大对冰雪企业信贷投放,优化评级、授信、审批、贷后管理等信贷流程。进一步拓宽融资渠道,支持符合条件的冰雪企业上市和再融资、发行债券、资产证券化。鼓励有条件的地方通过贷款贴息、政策性担保、风险补偿等方式,有效降低冰雪企业融资成本。